» Uncategorized »  7 FOODS THAT BURN BELLY FAT

There is a saying that goes ‘You are what you eat.’  Your food intakes dictate a lot to your body system.  In fact, your body system solely depends on what you give to it in the form of food.  Whatever you give will determine what it gives back to you in the form of strength, health, being active or otherwise.  It is like a ‘garbage in garbage out’ thing. When you give your body healthy foods, it will give you good health, good shape, fitness, and wonderful physical structure.  If you do otherwise, you reap the harvest of what you sow.

Our body system is a very sensitive machine that needs our care and nourishments. To be healthy, you need to pick and decide what you take in, and whatever you put in will surely have a direct impact on your belly. Hence, the necessity of discussing and looking into 7 foods that burn belly fat.

Discipline and determination directly contribute to achieving a sound health through what you put into your system. Hence, a balanced diet each time we eat is very important and well desired to get the best of yourself health-wise.

When it comes to food, three components are of paramount importance.  These are dietary fiber, protein, and low calorie content foods.  Foods rich in these components will always be your best choices to burn belly fat. Listed below are the 7 foods that burn belly fat. 

1.     OATMEAL

Oatmeal is very high in fiber, which helps regulate your appetite for food.  It fills your tummy for a longer period of time and reduces your longing for food and extra snacks after meals.  Oatmeal will help you melt that belly fat in no time. It is gluten-free and the healthiest grain you can think of.  It has a lot of health benefits even outside of weight loss.  It helps to lower blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of heart disease.  

You can eat oatmeal in different ways. It can be mixed and cooked on the stove for breakfast, you can also have it for lunch in the form of solid food (swallow), grinded into powder, mixed on stove to make African oat Fufu, with a lot of vegetable soup, or any of your favorite soups. It is always yummy!

2.     BEANS

Beans are very good source of protein and soluble fiber, which can be so beneficial in losing belly fat. Beans are low in calories and high in fiber. Kidney beans are good diet addition which is very high in soluble fiber that helps reduce fat around your waist. Additionally, pinto beans and black beans are rich in soluble fiber, iron, and protein.  There are several other types of beans available for you to eat and enjoy. I personally enjoy using beans for bean-balls, and moin-moin (bean cake).

For bean cake (moin-moin), get it peeled, soaked for some minutes until soft. You can then blend the beans to paste with red bell pepper, some habanero peppers, some bulbs of onions, pending on the quantity of the beans in question.  Mix together thoroughly and add some vegetable oil or red oil pending on your preference, and salt to taste.  Bag the mixture inside some pouches, arrange them inside the pot, add a little bit of water in the pot, and place on the stove top to cook.

For bean balls, the mixture method is quite different from bean cake.  After blending to paste with habanero peppers, and onion, it is time to stir the whole thing very well until smooth. Add salt to taste, then pour vegetable oil inside frying pan, wait for it to be very hot, then start dispensing bit by bit inside the hot oil. Turn the balls when they are golden brown, and allow the other side to get done as well.


Green or unripe plantain is another good food that promotes having a flat belly.  It contains fiber, iron and resistant starch which are must haves in the system when you desire to burn belly fat.  It is also high in antioxidants which helps your immune system, and it is very low in calorie.  It can be prepared as a snack and eaten in-between meals.  In this case, baking it will be much more preferable than frying, so as to avoid oil which can increase the fat content.  Just like oatmeal, green plantain can be cut into small pieces, and blended as puree, then mixed on the stove to make swallow for lunch with vegetable soup, or any of your favorite soups.

4.     LENTILS

Lentils are very rich in protein and fiber, which bring about feeling full for a longer time when compared with carbohydrate and fat. They are also very low in calorie.  Green lentils have the greatest content of fiber, which also aids in colon cleansing. 

Colon cleansing is very essential in losing belly fat, so it is advisable to go for any meal that enhances it. Lentils can be cooked and mixed with peppers and other favorite ingredients to make a complete meal.  Few portions of it can also be added to your salad. 

Consumption of lentils regularly helps your digestive system, and regulates your bowel movement. This will invariably reduce your belly fat.


The high fiber in sweet potatoes help to reduce belly fat.  The fiber fills you up for a longer period of time and reduces your cravings for food.  Sweet potatoes help in preventing constipation and it aids easy digestion, thereby helping in achieving a flat belly and maintaining it.  It is a good meal that helps you successfully watch your calorie intake and prevents being obese. 


Replacing white rice with brown enhances losing belly fat. Brown rice is a whole grain containing a lot of fiber and nutrients that fill the body for a longer time, hence reducing cravings for foods and snacks. Eating this fiber-rich food will help you reduce calories, lose weight, and invariably keep check on belly fat. One will be able to achieve better results when rice is eaten with a lot of vegetables and protein-based equivalents like chicken, fish or even some portion of beans to make it a complete diet.


These kinds of vegetables produce both soluble and insoluble fibers.  While soluble fiber will fill you for a longer time, insoluble will work on your food digestion, and helps in regular bowel movements.  Both types have a direct impact on losing belly fat.  Carrots, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Mushrooms, collard greens, chickpeas, and others are very high in fiber. They all help in losing belly fat fast.


While all the above listed foods will indeed help in achieving losing belly fat, you still need to add adequate exercises in order to get a healthy result.  Exercise plays a huge role on your way to living sound and healthy, its importance cannot be pushed aside at all. 

Furthermore, one must ensure that the body is moderately fed with a complete balanced diet at every meal time. Avoid eating late in the night, give at least three hours of activity after dinner before going to bed. Remember your body deserves total care, adequate nourishments, and activities for you to stay fit and healthy.

Remain healthy and stay blessed until I come your way again on my next Blog.  Shalom.

One thought on “7 FOODS THAT BURN BELLY FAT”

  1. Thanks so much for this article, I have been looking for resources on this subject matter!
    A healthy life starts with a balanced diet together with regular exercise.

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